Sunday, January 29, 2017



ABSTRACT — Summary of important points of a given text, especially deeds and wills.
ACRE — See measurements.
ADMINISTRATION (of estate) — The collection, management and distribution of an estate by proper legal process.
ADMINISTRATOR (of estate) — Person appointed to manage or divide the estate of a deceased person.
ADMINISTRATRIX — A female administrator.
AFFIDAVIT — A statement in writing, sworn to before proper authority.
ALIEN — Foreigner.
AMERICAN REVOLUTIONU.S. war for independence from Great Britain 1775 - 1783.
ANCESTOR — A person from whom you are descended; a forefather.
ANTE — Latin prefix meaning before, such as in ante-bellum South, "The South before the war"
APPRENTICE — One who is bound by indentures or by legal agreement or by any means to serve another person for a certain time, with a view of learning an art or trade.
APPURTENANCE — That which belongs to something else such as a building, orchard, right of way, etc.
ARCHIVES — Records of a government, organization, institution; the place where records are stored.
ATTEST — To affirm; to certify by signature or oath.
BANNS — Public announcement of intended marriage.
BENEFICIARY — One who receives benefit of trust or property.
BEQUEATH — To give personal property to a person in a will.  Noun -- bequest.
BOND — Written, signed, witnessed agreement requiring payment of a specified amount of money on or before a given date.
BOUNTY LAND WARRANT — A right to obtain land, specific number of acres of unallocated public land, granted for military service.
CENSUS — Official enumeration, listing or counting of citizens.
CERTIFIED COPY — A copy made and attested to by officers having charge of the original and authorized to give copies.
CHAIN — See measurements.
CHATTEL — Personal property which can include animate as well as inanimate properties.
CHRISTEN — To receive or initiate into the visible church by baptism; to name at baptism; to give a name to.
CIRCA — About, near, or approximate -- usually referring to a date.
CIVIL WAR — War between the States; war between North and South, 1861 - 65.
CODICIL — Addition to a will.
COLLATERAL ANCESTOR — Belong to the same ancestral stock but not in direct line of descent; opposed to lineal such as aunts, uncles & cousins.
COMMON ANCESTOR — Ancestor shared by any two people.
CONFEDERATE — Pertaining to the Southern states which seceded from the U.S. in 1860 - 1, their government and their citizens.
CONSANGUINITY — Blood relationship.
CONSORT — Usually, a wife whose husband is living
CONVEYANCE — See deed.
COUSIN — Relative descended from a common ancestor, but not a brother or sister.
DAUGHTER-IN-LAW — Wife of one's son.
DECEDENT — A deceased person.
DECLARATION OF INTENTION — First paper, sworn to and filed in court, by an alien stating that he wants to be come a citizen.
DEED — A document by which title in real property is transferred from one party to another.
DEPOSITION — A testifying or testimony taken down in writing under oath of affirmation in reply to interrogatories, before a competent officer to replace to oral testimony of a witness.
DEVISE — Gift of real property by will.
DEVISEE — One to whom real property (land) is given in a will.
DEVISOR — One who gives real property in a will.
DISSENTER — One who did not belong to the established church, especially the Church of England in the American colonies.
DISTRICT LAND OFFICE PLAT BOOK — Books or rather maps which show the location of the land patentee.
DISTRICT LAND OFFICE TRACT BOOK — Books which list individual entries by range and township.
DOUBLE DATING — A system of double dating used in England and America from 1582-1752 because it was not clear as to whether the year commenced January 1 or March 25
DOWER — Legal right or share which a wife acquired by marriage in the real estate of her husband, allotted to her after his death for her lifetime.
EMIGRANT — One leaving a country and moving to another.
ENUMERATION — Listing or counting , such as a census.
EPITAPH — An inscription on or at a tomb or grave in memory of the one buried there.
ESCHEAT — The reversion of property to the state when there are no qualified heirs.
ESTATE — All property and debts belonging to a person.
ET AL — Latin for "and others".
ET UX — Latin for "and wife".
ET UXOR — And his wife.  Sometimes written simply Et Ux.
EXECUTOR — One appointed in a will to carry out its provisions. Female = Executrix
FATHER-IN-LAW — Father of one's spouse.
FEE — An estate of inheritance in land, being either fee simple or fee tail. An estate in land held of a feudal lord on condition of the performing of certain services.
FEE SIMPLE — An absolute ownership without restriction.
FEE TAIL — An estate of inheritance limited to lineal descendant heirs of a person to whom it was granted.
FRANKLIN, STATE OF — An area once known but never officially recognized and was under consideration from 1784 - 1788 from the western part of North Carolina.
FRATERNITY — Group of men (or women) sharing a common purpose or interest.
FREE HOLD — An estate in fee simple, in fee tail, or for life.
FRIEND — Member of the Religious Society of Friends; a Quaker.
FURLONG — See measurements.
GAZETTEER — A geographical dictionary; a book giving names and descriptions of places usually in alphabetical order.
GENEALOGY — Study of family history and descent.
GENTLEMAN — A man well born.
GIVEN NAME — Name given to a person at birth or baptism, one's first and middle names.
GLEBE — Land belonging to a parish church.
GRANTEE — One who buys property or receives a grant.
GRANTOR — One who sells property or makes a grant.
GREAT-AUNT — Sister of one's grandparent
GREAT-UNCLE — Brother of one's grandparent.
GUARDIAN — Person appointed to care for and manage property of a minor orphan or an adult incompetent of managing his own affairs.
HALF BROTHER/HALF SISTER — Child by another marriage of one's mother or father; the relationship of two people who have only one parent in common.
HEIRS — Those entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit property from another.
HOLOGRAPHIC WILL — One written entirely in the testator's own handwriting.
HOMESTEAD ACT — Law passed by Congress in 1862 allowing a head of a family to obtain title to 160 acres of public land after clearing and improving it for 5 years.
HUGUENOT — A French Protestant in the 16th and 17th centuries. One of the reformed or Calvinistic communion who were driven by the thousands into exile in England, Holland, Germany and America.
ILLEGITIMATE — Born to a mother who was not married to the child's father.
IMMIGRANT — One moving into a country from another.
INDENTURE — Today it means a contract in 2 or more copies.  Originally made in 2 parts by cutting or tearing a single sheet across the middle in a jagged line so the two parts may later be matched.
INDENTURED SERVANT — One who bound himself into service of another person for a specified number of years, often in return for transportation to this country.
INFANT — Any person not of full age; a minor.
INSTANT — Of or pertaining to the current month. (Abbreviated inst.)
INTESTATE — One who dies without a will or dying without a will.
INVENTORY — An account, catalog or schedule, made by an executor or administrator of all the goods and chattels and sometimes of the real estate of a deceased person.
ISSUE — Offspring; children; lineal descendants of a common ancestor.
LATE — Recently deceased.
LEASE — An agreement which creates a landlord - tenant situation.
LEGACY — Property or money left to someone in a will
LEGISLATURE — Lawmaking branch of state or national government; elected group of lawmakers.
LIEN — A claim against property as security for payment of a debt.
LINEAGE — Ancestry; direct descent from a specific ancestor.
LINEAL — Consisting of or being in as direct line of ancestry or descendants; descended in a direct line.
LINK — See measurements.
LIS PENDENS — Pending court action; usually applies to land title claims.
LODGE — A chapter or meeting hall of a fraternal organization.
LOYALIST — Tory, an American colonist who supported the British side during the American Revolution.
MAIDEN NAME — A girl's last name or surname before she marries.
MANUSCRIPT — A composition written with the hand as an ancient book or an un-printed modern book or music.
MARRIAGE BOND — A financial guarantee that no impediment to the marriage existed, furnished by the intended bridegroom or by his friends.
MATERNAL — Related through one's mother, such as a Maternal grandmother being the mother's mother.
MEASUREMENTS — Link - 7.92 inches;   Chain - 100 Links or 66 feet;Furlong - 1000 Links or 660 feet;   Rod - 5 1/2 yds or 16 1/2 ft (also called a perch or pole);  Rood - From 5 1/2 yards to 8 yards, depending on locality;  Acre - 43,560 square ft or 160 square rods.
MESSUAGE — A dwelling house.
METES & BOUNDS — Property described by natural boundaries, such as 3 notches in a white oak tree, etc.
MICROFICHE — Sheet of microfilm with greatly reduced images of pages of documents.
MICROFILM — Reproduction of documents on film at reduced size.
MIGRANT — Person who moves from place to place, usually in search of work
MIGRATE — To move from one country or state or region to another. (Noun : migration)
MILITIA — Citizens of a state who are not part of the national military forces but who can be called into military service in an emergency; a citizen army, apart from the regular military forces.
MINOR — One who is under legal age; not yet a legal adult.
MISTER — In early times, a title of respect given only to those who held important civil officer or who were of gentle blood.
MOIETY — A half; an indefinite portion
MORTALITY — Death; death rate.
MORTALITY SCHEDULES — Enumeration of persons who died during the year prior to June 1 of 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880 in each state of the United States, conducted by the bureau of census.
MORTGAGE — A conditional transfer of title to real property as security for payment of a debt.
MOTHER-IN-LAW — Mother of one's spouse.
NAMESAKE — Person named after another person.
NECROLOGY — Listing or record of persons who have died recently
NEE — Used to identify a woman's maiden name; born with the surname of.
NEPHEW — Son of one's brother or sister.
NIECE — Daughter of one's brother or sister.
NONCUPATIVE WILL — One declared or dictated by the testator, usually for persons in last sickness, sudden illness, or military.
ORPHAN — Child whose parents are dead; sometimes, a child who has lost one parent by death.
ORPHAN'S COURT — Orphans being recognized as wards of the states, provisions were made for them in special courts.
PASSENGER LIST — A ships list of passengers, usually referring to those ships arriving in the US from Europe.
PATENT — Grant of land from a government to an individual.
PATERNAL — Related to one's father. Paternal grandmother is the father's mother.
PATRIOT — One who loves his country and supports its interests.
PEDIGREE — Family tree; ancestry.
PENSION — Money paid regularly to an individual, especially by a government as reward for military service during wartime or upon retirement from government service.
PENSIONER — One who receives a pension.
PERCH — See measurements.
POLE — See measurements.
POLL — List or record of persons, especially for taxing or voting.
POST — Latin prefix meaning after, as in post-war economy.
POSTERITY — Descendants; those who come after.
POWER OF ATTORNEY — When a person in unable to act for himself, he appoints another to act in his behalf.
PRE — Latin prefix meaning before, as in pre-war military build-up.
PRE-EMOTION RIGHTS — Right given by the federal government to citizens to buy a quarter section of land or less.
PROBATE — Having to do with wills and the administration of estates.
PROGENITOR — A direct ancestor.
PROGENY — Descendants of a common ancestor; issue.
PROVED WILL — A will established as genuine by probate court.
PROVOST — A person appointed to superintend, or preside over something.
PROXIMO — In the following month, in the month after the present one.
PUBLIC DOMAIN — Land owned by the government.
QUAKER — Member of the Religious Society of Friends.
QUITCLAIM — A deed conveying the interest of the party at that time.
RECTOR — A clergyman; the ruler or governor of a country.
RELICT — Widow; surviving spouse when one has died, husband or wife.
REPUBLIC — Government in which supreme authority lies with the people or their elected representatives.
REVOLUTIONARY WARU.S. war for independence from Great Britain 1775 - 1783.
ROD — See measurements.
ROOD — See measurements.
SHAKER — Member of a religious group formed in 1747 which practiced communal living and celibacy.
SIBLING — Person having one or both parents in common with another; a brother or sister.
SIC — Latin meaning thus; copied exactly as the original reads.  Often suggests a mistake or surprise in the original.
SON-IN-LAW — Husband of one's daughter.
SPINSTER — A woman still unmarried; or one who spins.
SPONSOR — A bondsman; surety.
SPOUSE — Husband or wife.
STEP-BROTHER / STEP-SISTER — Child of one's step-father or step-mother.
STEP-CHILD — Child of one's husband or wife from a previous marriage.
STEP-FATHER — Husband of one's mother by a later marriage.
STEP-MOTHER — Wife of one's father by a later marriage.
SURNAME — Family name or last name.
TERRITORY — Area of land owned by the United States, not a state, but having its own legislature and governor.
TESTAMENTARY — Pertaining to a will.
TESTATE — A person who dies leaving a valid will.
TESTATOR — A person who makes a valid will before his death.
TITHABLE — Taxable.
TITHE — Formerly, money due as a tax for support of the clergy or church.
TORY — Loyalist; one who supported the British side in the American Revolution.
TOWNSHIP — A division of U.S. public land that contained 36 sections, or 36 square miles.  Also a subdivision of the county in many Northeastern and Midwestern states of the U.S.
TRADITION — The handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, genealogies, etc. from generation to generation, especially by word of mouth.
TRANSCRIBE — To make a copy in writing.
ULTIMO — In the month before this one.
UNION — The United States; also the North during the Civil War, the states which did not secede.
VERBATIM — Word for word; in the same words, verbally.
VITAL RECORDS — Records of birth, death, marriage or divorce.
VITAL STATISTICS — Data dealing with birth, death, marriage or divorce.
WAR BETWEEN THE STATESU.S. Civil War, 1861 - 1865.
WARD — Chiefly the division of a city for election purposes.
WILL — Document declaring how a person wants his property divided after his death.
WITNESS — One who is present at a transaction, such as a sale of land or signing of a will, who can testify or affirm that it actually took place.
WPA HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY — A program undertaken by the US Government 1935 - 1936 in which inventories were compiled of historical material.
YEOMAN — A servant, an attendant or subordinate official in a royal household; a subordinate of a sheriff; an independent farmer.


Accomptant — Accountant
Almoner —Giver of charity to the needy
Amanuensis —Secretary or stenographer
Artificer — A soldier mechanic who does repairs
Bailie — Bailiff
Baxter —Baker
Bluestock — Female writer
Boniface — Keeper of an inn
Brazier — One who works with brass
Brewster — Beer manufacturer
Brightsmith — Metal Worker
Burgonmaster — Mayor
Caulker —One who filled up cracks (in ships or windows) or seems to make them watertight by using tar or oakum-hemp fiber produced by taking old ropes apart
Chaisemaker — Carriage maker
Chandler — Dealer or trader; one who makes or sells candles; retailer of groceries
Chiffonnier — Wig maker
Clark — Clerk
Clerk — Clergyman, cleric
Clicker — The servant of a salesman who stood at the door to invite customers; one who received the matter in the galley from the compositors and arranged it in due form ready for printing;  one who makes eyelet holes in boots using a machine which clicked.
Cohen — Priest
Collier — Coal miner
Colporte — Peddler of books
Cooper — One who makes or repairs vessels made of staves & hoops, such as casks, barrels, tubs, etc.
Cordwainer —   Shoemaker, originally any leather worker using leather from Cordova/Cordoba in Spain
Costermonger — Peddler of fruits and vegetables
Crocker — Potter
Crowner — Coroner
Currier — One who dresses the coat of a horse with a curry comb; one who tanned leather by incorporating oil or grease
Docker — Stevedore, dock worker who loads and unloads cargo
Dowser — One who finds water using a rod or witching stick
Draper — A dealer in dry goods
Drayman — One who drives a long strong cart without fixed sides for carrying heavy loads
Dresser — A surgeon's assistant in a hospital
Drover — One who drives cattle, sheep, etc. to market; a dealer in cattle
Duffer — Peddler
Factor — Agent, commission merchant; one who acts or transacts business for another; Scottish steward or bailiff of an estate
Farrier — A blacksmith, one who shoes horses
Faulkner — Falconer
Fell monge— One who removes hair or wool from hides in preparation for leather making
Fletcher — One who made bows and arrows
Fuller — One who fulls cloth;one who shrinks and thickens woolen cloth by  moistening, heating, and pressing; one who cleans and finishes cloth
Gaoler — A keeper of the goal, a jailer
Glazier — Window glassman
Hacker — Maker of hoes
Hatcheler — One who combed out or carded flax
Haymonger — Dealer in hay
Hayward — Keeper of fences
Higgler — Itinerant peddler
Hillier — Roof tiler
Hind — A farm laborer
Holster — A groom who took care of horses, often at an inn
Hooker — Reaper
Hooper — One who made hoops for casks and barrels
Huckster — Sells small wares
Husbandman — A farmer who cultivated the land
Jagger — Fish peddler
Journeyman — One who had served his apprenticeship and mastered his craft, not bound to serve master, but hired by the day
Joyner/Joiner — A skilled carpenter
Keeler — Bargeman
Kempster — Wool comber
Lardner — Keeper of the cupboard
Lavender — Washer woman
Lederer — Leather maker
Leech — Physician
Longshoreman — Stevedore
Lormer — Maker of horse gear
Malender — Farmer
Maltster — Brewer
Manciple — A steward
Mason — Bricklayer
Mintmaster — One who issued local currency
Monger — Seller of goods (ale, fish)
Muleskinner — Teamster
Neatherder — Herds cows
Ordinary Keeper — Innkeeper with fixed prices
Pattern Maker — A maker of a clog shod with an iron ring. A clog was a wooden pole with a pattern cut into the end
Peregrinator — Itinerant wanderer
Peruker — A wig maker
Pettifogger — A shyster lawyer
Pigman — Crockery dealer
Plumber — One who applied sheet lead for roofing and set lead frames for plain or stained glass windows.
Porter — Door keeper
Puddler — Wrought iron worker
Quarrier — Quarry worker
Rigger — Hoist tackle worker
Ripper — Seller of fish
Roper — Maker of rope or nets
Saddler — One who makes, repairs or sells saddles or other furnishings for horses
Sawbones — Physician
Sawyer — One who saws; carpenter
Schumacke — Shoemaker
Scribler — A minor or worthless author
Scrivener — Professional or public copyist or writer; notary public
Scrutiner — Election judge
Shrieve — Sheriff
Slater — Roofer
Slopseller — Seller of ready-made clothes in a slop shop
Snobscat/Snob — One who repaired shoes
Sorter — Tailor
Spinster — A woman who spins or an unmarried woman
Spurrer — Maker of spurs
Squire — Country gentleman; farm owner; justice of peace
Stuff gown/Stuff gownsman — Junior barrister
Supercargo — Officer on merchant ship who is in charge of cargo and the commercial concerns of the ship
Tanner — One who tans (cures) animal hides into leather
Tapley — One who puts the tap in an ale cask
Tasker — Reaper
Teamster — One who drives a team for hauling
Thatcher — Roofer
Tide waiter — Customs inspector
Tinker — Am itinerant tin pot and pan seller and repairman
Tipstaff — Policeman
Travers — Toll bridge collection
Tucker — Cleaner of cloth goods
Turner — A person who turns wood on a lathe into spindles
Victualer — A tavern keeper, or one who provides an army, navy, or ship with food supplies
Vulcan — Blacksmith
Wagoner — Teamster not for hire
Wainwright — Wagon maker
Waiter — Customs officer or tide waiter; one who waited on the tide to collect duty on goods brought in
Waterman — Boatman who plies for hire
Webster — Operator of looms
Wharfinger — Owner of a wharf
Wheelwright — One who made or repaired wheels; wheeled carriages, etc.
Whitesmith — Tinsmith; worker of iron who finishes or polishes the work
Whitewing — Street sweeper
Whitster — Bleach of cloth
Wright — Workman, especially a construction worker
Yeoman — Farmer who owns his own land


Ablepsy — Blindness
Ague — Malarial Fever
American plague — Yellow fever
Anasarca — Generalized massive edema
Aphonia — Laryngitis
Aphtha — The infant disease "thrush"
Apoplexy — Paralysis due to stroke
Asphycsia/Asphicsia — Cyanotic and lack of oxygen
Atrophy — Wasting away or diminishing in size.
Bad Blood — Syphilis
Bilious fever — Typhoid, malaria, hepatitis or elevated temperature and bile emesis
Biliousness — Jaundice associated with liver disease
Black plague or death — Bubonic plague
Black fever — Acute infection with high temperature and dark red skin lesions and high mortality rate
Black pox — Black Small pox
Black vomit — Vomiting old black blood due to ulcers or yellow fever
Blackwater fever — Dark urine associated with high temperature
Bladder in throat — Diphtheria (Seen on death certificates)
Blood poisoning — Bacterial infection; septicemia
Bloody flux — Bloody stools
Bloody sweat — Sweating sickness
Bone shave — Sciatica
Brain fever — Meningitis
Breakbone — Dengue fever
Bright's disease — Chronic inflammatory disease of kidneys
Bronze John — Yellow fever
Bule — Boil, tumor or swelling
Cachexy —  Malnutrition
Cacogastric — Upset stomach
Cacospysy — Irregular pulse
Caduceus  — Subject to falling sickness or epilepsy
Camp fever — Typhus; aka Camp diarrhea
Canine madness — Rabies, hydrophobia
Canker — Ulceration of mouth or lips or herpes simplex
Catalepsy — Seizures / trances
Catarrhal — Nose and throat discharge from cold or allergy
Cerebritis — Inflammation of cerebrum or lead poisoning
Chilblain — Swelling of extremities caused by exposure to cold
Child bed fever — Infection following birth of a child
Chin cough — Whooping cough
Chlorosis — Iron deficiency anemia
Cholera — Acute severe contagious diarrhea with intestinal lining sloughing
Cholera morbus — Characterized by nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, elevated temperature, etc.  Could be appendicitis
Cholecystitus — Inflammation of the gall bladder
Cholelithiasis — Gall stones
Chorea — Disease characterized by convulsions, contortions and dancing
Cold plague — Ague which is characterized by chills
Colic — An abdominal pain and cramping
Congestive chills — Malaria
Consumption — Tuberculosis
Congestion — Any collection of fluid in an organ, like the lungs
Congestive chills — Malaria with diarrhea
Congestive fever — Malaria
Corruption — Infection
Coryza — A cold
Costiveness — Constipation
Cramp colic — Appendicitis
Crop sickness — Overextended stomach
Croup — Laryngitis, diphtheria, or strep throat
Cyanosis — Dark skin color from lack of oxygen in blood
Cynanche — Diseases of throat
Cystitis — Inflammation of the bladder
Day fever — Fever lasting one day; sweating sickness
Debility — Lack of movement or staying in bed
Decrepitude — Feebleness due to old age
Delirium tremens — Hallucinations due to alcoholism
Dengue — Infectious fever endemic to East Africa
Dentition — Cutting of teeth
Deplumation — Tumor of the eyelids which causes hair loss
Devil's Grip — Pleurisy / bronchitis
Diary fever — A fever that lasts one day
Diptheria — Contagious disease of the throat
Distemper — Usually animal disease with malaise, discharge from nose and throat, anorexia
Dock fever — Yellow fever
Dropsy — Edema (swelling), often caused by kidney or heart disease
Dropsy of the Brain — Encephalitis
Dry Bellyache — Lead poisoning
Dyscrasy — An abnormal body condition
Dysentery — Inflammation of colon with frequent passage of mucous and blood
Dysorexy — Reduced appetite
Dyspepsia — Indigestion and heartburn.  Heart attack symptoms
Dysury — Difficulty in urination
Eclampsy — Symptoms of epilepsy, convulsions during labor
Ecstasy — A form of catalepsy characterized by loss of reason
Edema — Nephrosis; swelling of tissues
Edema of lungs — Congestive heart failure, a form of dropsy
Eel thing — Erysipelas
Elephantiasis — A form of leprosy
Encephalitis — Swelling of brain; aka sleeping sickness
Enteric fever — Typhoid fever
Enterocolitis — Inflammation of the intestines
Enteritis — Inflations of the bowels
Epitaxis — Nose bleed
Erysipelas — Contagious skin disease, due to Streptococci with vesicular and bulbous lesions
Extravasted blood — Rupture of a blood vessel
Falling sickness — Epilepsy
Fatty Liver — Cirrhosis of liver
Fits — Sudden attack or seizure of muscle activity
Flux — An excessive flow or discharge of fluid like hemorrhage or diarrhea
Flux of humour — Circulation
French pox — Syphilis
Gathering — A collection of pus
Glandular fever — Mononucleosis
Great pox — Syphilis
Green fever / sickness — Anemia
Grippe/grip — Influenza like symptoms
Grocer's itch — Skin disease caused by mites in sugar or flour
Heart sickness — Condition caused by loss of salt from body
Heat stroke — Body temperature elevates because of surrounding environment temperature and body does not perspire to reduce temperature.  Coma and death result if not reversed
Hectical complaint — Recurrent fever
Hematemesis — Vomiting blood
Hematuria — Bloody urine
Hemiplegy — Paralysis of one side of body
Hip gout — Osteomylitis
Horrors — Delirium tremens
Hydrocephalus — Enlarged head, water on the brain
Hydropericardium — Heart dropsy
Hydrophobia — Rabies
Hydrothroax — Dropsy in chest
Hypertrophic — Enlargement of organ, like the heart
Impetigo — Contagious skin disease characterized by pustules
Inanition — Physical condition resulting from lack of food
Infantile paralysis — Polio
Intestinal colic — Abdominal pain due to improper diet
Jail fever — Typhus
Jaundice — Condition caused by blockage of intestines
King's evil — Tuberculosis of neck and lymph glands
Kruchhusten — Whooping cough
Lagrippe — Influenza
Lockjaw — Tetanus or infectious disease affecting the muscles of the neck and jaw.  Untreated, it is fatal in 8 days
Long sickness — Tuberculosis
Lues disease — Syphilis
Lues venera — Venereal disease
Lumbago — Back pain
Lung fever — Pneumonia
Lung sickness — Tuberculosis
Lying in — Time of delivery of infant
Malignant sore throat — Diphtheria
Mania — Insanity
Marasmus — Progressive wasting away of body, like malnutrition
Membranous Croup — Diphtheria
Meningitis — Inflations of brain or spinal cord
Metritis — Inflammation of uterus or purulent vaginal discharge
Miasma — Poisonous vapors thought to infect the air
Milk fever — Disease from drinking contaminated milk, like undulant fever or brucellosis
Milk leg — Post partum thrombophlebitis
Milk sickness — Disease from milk of cattle which had eaten poisonous weeds
Mormal — Gangrene
Morphew — Scurvy blisters on the body
Mortification — Gangrene of necrotic tissue
Myelitis — Inflammation of the spine
Myocarditis — Inflammation of heart muscles
Necrosis — Mortification of bones or tissue
Nephrosis — Kidney degeneration
Nepritis — Inflammation of kidneys
Nervous prostration — Extreme exhaustion from inability to control physical and mental activities
Neuralgia — Described as discomfort, such as "Headache" was neuralgia in head
Nostalgia — Homesickness
Palsy — Paralysis or uncontrolled movement of controlled muscles. It was listed as "Cause of death"
Paroxysm — Convulsion
Pemphigus — Skin disease of watery blisters
Pericarditis — Inflammation of heart
Peripneumonia — Inflammation of lungs
Peritonotis — Inflammation of abdominal area
Petechial Fever — Fever characterized by skin spotting
Phthiriasis — Lice infestation
Phthisis — Chronic wasting away or a name for tuberculosis
Plague — An acute febrile highly infectious disease with a high fatality rate
Pleurisy — Any pain in the chest area with each breath
Podagra — Gout
Poliomyelitis — Polio
Potter's asthma — Fibroid pthisis
Pott's disease — Tuberculosis of spine
Puerperal exhaustion — Death due to childbirth
Puerperal fever — Elevated temperature after giving birth to an infant
Puking fever — Milk sickness
Putrid fever — Diphtheria.
Quinsy — Tonsillitis.
Remitting fever — Malaria
Rheumatism — Any disorder associated with pain in joints
Rickets — Disease of skeletal system
Rose cold — Hay fever or nasal symptoms of an allergy
Rotanny fever — (Child's disease) ???
Rubeola — German measles
Sanguineous crust — Scab
Scarlatina — Scarlet fever
Scarlet fever — A disease characterized by red rash
Scarlet rash — Roseola
Sciatica — Rheumatism in the hips
Scirrhus — Cancerous tumors
Scotomy — Dizziness, nausea and dimness of sight
Scrivener's palsy — Writer's cramp
Screws — Rheumatism
Scrofula — Tuberculosis of neck lymph glands.  Progresses slowly with
abscesses and  pistulas develop. Young person's disease
Scrumpox — Skin disease, impetigo
Scurvy — Lack of vitamin C.  Symptoms of weakness, spongy gums and hemorrhages under skin
Septicemia — Blood poisoning
Shakes — Delirium tremens
Shaking — Chills, ague
Shingles — Viral disease with skin blisters
Ship fever — Typhus
Siriasis — Inflammation of the brain due to sun exposure
Sloes — Milk sickness
Small pox — Contagious disease with fever and blisters
Softening of brain — Result of stroke or hemorrhage in the brain, with an end result of the tissue softening in that area
Sore throat distemper — Diphtheria or quinsy
Spanish influenza — Epidemic influenza
Spasms — Sudden involuntary contraction of muscle or group of muscles, like a convulsion
Spina bifida — Deformity of spine
Spotted fever — Either typhus or meningitis
Sprue — Tropical disease characterized by intestinal disorders and sore throat
St. Anthony's fire — Also erysipelas, but named so because of affected skin areas are bright red in appearance
St. Vitas dance — Ceaseless occurrence of rapid complex jerking movements performed involuntary
Stomatitis— Inflammation of the mouth
Stranger's fever — Yellow fever
Strangery — Rupture
Sudor anglicus — Sweating sickness
Summer complaint — Diarrhea, usually in infants caused by spoiled milk
Sunstroke — Uncontrolled elevation of body temperature due to environment heat.  Lack of sodium  in the body is a predisposing cause
Swamp sickness — Could be malaria, typhoid or encephalitis
Sweating sickness — Infectious and fatal disease common to UK in 15th century
Tetanus — Infectious fever characterized by high fever, headache and dizziness
Thrombosis — Blood clot inside blood vessel
Thrush — Childhood disease characterized by spots on mouth, lips and throat
Tick fever — Rocky mountain spotted fever
Toxemia of pregnancy — Eclampsia
Trench mouth — Painful ulcers found along gum line, caused by poor nutrition and poor hygiene
Tussis convulsiva — Whooping cough
Typhus — Infectious fever characterized high fever, headache, and dizziness
Variola — Smallpox
Venesection — Bleeding
Viper's dance — St. Vitus Dance
Water on brain — Enlarged head
White swelling — Tuberculosis of the bone
Winter fever — Pneumonia
Womb fever — Infection of the uterus.
Worm fit — Convulsions associated with teething, worms, elevated temperature or diarrhea
Yellowjacket — Yellow fever

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